What You Can Expect If You Contract Chlamydia


You can catch many STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) when you have unprotected sex, but some, like Chlamydia, you can catch without penetration. Chlamydia is an STD that is bacteria, and it can show itself in many ways and has various symptoms. If you have had unprotected sex recently with someone who is diagnosed with an STD and you are worried you may have contracted it, below is more information about Chlamydia, what you can expect when you get it and how to treat it.

How You Get Chlamydia

You can get Chlamydia in various ways, including oral sex, vaginal sex, and anal sex. However, you do not have to have full-blown sex to get it, and it can be spread by using unclean sex toys or if your genitals come into contact with someone’s genitals that has it. You can also get Chlamydia when you come into contact with an infected person’s genital fluids, but you cannot catch it through kissing or sharing an infected person’s bed.

Chlamydia Symptoms To Lok For

Various symptoms can manifest when you contract Chlamydia, and you will want to look out for these if you think you may have been infected. Some of these symptoms include:

  • A sore throat
  • An unusual discharge from your penis
  • Your testicles are tender or swollen
  • You experience a painful discharge from your anus
  • You experience pain when having sex
  • Discomfort or pain when urinating
  • A milky white or yellow discharge from the vagina
  • Pain in your lower stomach

If you have any of the symptoms above, you will want to make an appointment with your doctor and have yourself tested. If you do test positive, there are antibiotics for Chlamydia you can take that will soon clear it up, and there are a couple of options available.

Visiting Your Doctor

It is nothing to be ashamed of when you visit your doctor with a suspected STD, and it is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. When your doctor diagnoses you with Chlamydia, there are a few options to treat the bacteria, and these are as follows:

Doxycycline: Doxycycline is an effective treatment for Chlamydia, and it can clear the condition in around one week. You will need to take one tablet twice a day for seven days, and at the end of the course of treatment, the Chlamydia should be gone. However, it is not a suitable treatment for breastfeeding mothers or if you are pregnant.

Azithromycin: Azithromycin is another medication you can take to clear up Chlamydia, and it has proven to be the most effective one you can take. You will take Azithromycin for three days, and on the first one, you will take two 500mg tablets. While on the second and third days, you take one pill, and the symptoms will soon clear.

Even though your treatment will be a week or less, it is still important to ensure you do not have sex for at least a week after finishing your treatment course. Even though you have completed your medication and there are no symptoms, you can still spread it to your sexual partner for up to a week afterwards. Ensure you always use protection when having sex, and you can help keep yourself free from STDs, so you do not need to visit your doctor and take medication.

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